Tonx Lab Wordmark
Address Friendly Tools
To used in different format and no code needed.
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  1. Please ensure the API key corresponds to the correct network.

  2. Please make sure you copy your address in mainnet.

  3. You can enter an address in various formats, including TON address (starting with UQ), base64, base64url, bounceable, non-bounceable, or hexadecimal.



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Frequently Asked Questions

According to TEP-2 (, there are at least 5 possible formats with respect to the same address. Although this mechanism improves user experience of TON wallets, it is truly a pet peeve for the developers to identify different formats. With this Tools, you could get all the different formats at once.

  1. When we send TONs to the bounceable address in the TON wallet, it will automatically wrap the transaction body with the guardian bit. If the destination account is uninitialized, the internal message would abort and all the TONs (minus fees) will be bounced back. Therefore, the funds will not be wasted.
  2. Base64url is the encoding scheme that prevents some special chracters reserved in the file system and URL.
  3. Hexadecimal (or so called raw format) addresses are using in low level architecture of the TON blockchain. It does not included bounceable guardian and checksum, so we do not recommand use this format.

You will need a TONX API key to use this tool.

  • For checking address on the mainnet: Ensure that you are using a mainnet API key.
  • For checking address on the testnet: Ensure that you are using a testnet API key.

  • How to apply for a TONX API Key: Register for a TONX API account at Once registered, you can generate the appropriate environment key (mainnet or testnet) that you would like to use. It’s completely free.